Two Month Review

This seemed like a very long month, maybe because there was so much crammed into it.  The pictures are obviously the highlights but a few important things happened this month.

  • NYC Trip – We had a great time in NYC, I took many more pictures than I ever have on a vacation and was fairly happy with 25 or so.  I’m looking forward to doing a little processing and then printing a few.
  • Purchased Adobe Lightroom – A few weeks ago I decided to go ahead and sign up for another subscription ($9.99/mo) but after spending an afternoon working with the trial version it’s apparent Lightroom is going to be a huge help.
  • Completed the “Creative Concepts” class at the Polk Museum of Art.  I have some mixed feelings on this class and would be happy to share them with anyone that may stumble across this and is considering the class.  I wouldn’t call it a complete waste but it definitely wasn’t what I was hoping for.
  • Bought a “new” used camera and a few lenses.  I traded in my old camera and lenses to get a Fuji X-E2, Fuji 35 f2, and Fuji XC 50-230.  This will be Lauren’s camera primarily with the great benefit of now being able to share batteries and lenses.

We have a few trips coming up, North Carolina the week of Thanksgiving, and then Anna Maria Island the following weekend.  I’m looking forward to the opportunities those will provide.

Just a side note…the pictures I’m putting with these monthly reviews are mostly older pictures.  The one from this month was actually taken with the old Lumix camera I traded in for the X-E2.


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